Soft Organizer Feedback

Questions and comments regarding Soft Organizer
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Soft Organizer Feedback

Post by vampyren »


I just bought and tested the program very quickly. 3 things that i can give feedback on this quick test run.
1) when installing something it would be good if i could cancel even at the last stage. Now i just wanted to test to see what traces it would find when running Firefox but i couldnt cancel on the final stage after i view the changes.
2) Once i trace something it gets saved in the Application view but now i cant delete a Trace without unistalling it seems.
(or maybe i find a workaround, by opening the log i can delete the content so that it should 0 changes and the uninstall but still not the most straight forward way of removing a trace)
3) The window for "Other funtions\Settings" would be much nicer if i could resize it. I got a big screen and that window is so tiny. This should be a easy fix i would guess?
4) For the "ignore list", please add a button so that users can add more folders manually.
5) When in "Application's Trace", its really useful to be able to view the changes for text based files. Example in Total Uninstall i can select and view and it opens in my default editor (think i can even select which editor it opens in).
6) Finishing Trace takes forever for big installs, just installed Marvel Heoroes (game) and its still says "Please Wait" after 1 hour . Dont think its my Antivitus (Esset32) since it went fast for smaller test runs. I Was almost about to kill the program but finally it finished after i went out and made some house work. Any idea why it takes so long?
7) In Total Uninstall when i uninstall something i have a option in the settings where i can choose to backup the uninstall. This is specially helpful incase the uninstaller removes something vital. This way i can always restore and do the uninstall again.
any plans for adding this?

Will report once i use the program more. I'm home like 2 days and travel 5 days so not much time over but the program looks good and if the things i mention are improved it will be a great tool. It would be great to know the thoughts about my small findings so far.
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Re: Soft Organizer Feedback

Post by Chemtable Software »


All your suggestions are taken into consideration, thank you. I'll comment some of your comments.
vampyren wrote: 3) The window for "Other funtions\Settings" would be much nicer if i could resize it. I got a big screen and that window is so tiny. This should be a easy fix i would guess?
This is already planned and will be added soon.
vampyren wrote: 6) Finishing Trace takes forever for big installs, just installed Marvel Heoroes (game) and its still says "Please Wait" after 1 hour . Dont think its my Antivitus (Esset32) since it went fast for smaller test runs. I Was almost about to kill the program but finally it finished after i went out and made some house work. Any idea why it takes so long?
Due to the large amount of changed items, of course. Besides, the antivirus software may additionally slow down the process. I'd recommend to temporary disable the antivirus next time when tracing the installation of the similar big application.
vampyren wrote: 7) In Total Uninstall when i uninstall something i have a option in the settings where i can choose to backup the uninstall. This is specially helpful incase the uninstaller removes something vital. This way i can always restore and do the uninstall again.
any plans for adding this?
In the next versions we plan to add the easy way to undo the removal of the application's traces found by Soft Organizer (currently only the system restore points can be used for this).
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Re: Soft Organizer Feedback

Post by vampyren »


Thanks for the answers. its great that you guys take the feedback seriously.
Only think i need to highlight is item nr 6. I really dont think the problem is my Antivirus nor the size of the installation. More then one hour is just not acceptable. Specially when 95% of the files are in the same directory. Also Total Uninstall never take more then minutes no matter the installation size so there is room for improvement and optimization here. No blame on other things ;)
I actually disabled the Eset32 and it still took along time.

Looking forward to new versions and the many improvements. When is the next version coming by the way? (roughly)

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Re: Soft Organizer Feedback

Post by Chemtable Software »

We'll investigate this problem.

The new version will be released in a month, I think.
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Re: Soft Organizer Feedback

Post by vampyren »

Great thanks for update.
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